Gustavus Adolphus
Minnesota Board of Teaching
Program Approval 2006

BIO 102 - Organismal Biology

                  BIO 102- Organismal Biology

                  Spring 2005



Instructors: Dr. Cindy Johnson-Groh               Dr.Margaret Bloch Qazi                                   Mr.Joe Harsh


Office / Phone: Nobel 332                                 Nobel 329                                                         Nobel 221-D

                          x7043                                        x6287                                                               x6319




Office Hours:   2:30-3:30 M,W,F                        9-10 M, 2:30-3:20F                                          10:30-12:30 Th


Feel free to make appointments or call at other times.




· Campbell, N.A., J. B. Reece, & L.G. Mitchell. 1999. Biology.  6th Edition.  Addison Wesley Longman Publishers.

            · Perry, J. and W. Morton.  1998.  Photo Atlas of Botany.  Wadsworth, Publ., Belmont, CA.

                     · Van De Graaff, K. M. and John L. Crawley. 1998.  Photographic Atlas for the Zoology Laboratory.  Morton Publ. Co.,Englewood, CO.

· Borror, D.J.  1960.  Dictionary of Word Roots and Combining Forms.  Mayfield Publishing Co., Mountain View, CA.


Equipment:    dissection kit recommended


Lab Manual:   ·Vodopich, D. S., and R. Moore. 2003.  Customized Biology Laboratory Manual. 6th ed. Wm. C.Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA.


Course Description:

Organismal Biology introduces students to six kingdoms and their evolutionary relationships (phylogeny). The course is designed to give you a broad overview with emphasis on diversity, form, function and natural history.  Students will learn to recognize different groups of organisms and to understand and compare how these groups function within their environments.  Overall, the course should provide you with a background to understand and appreciate the diversity of biological organisms. The first half of the semester will focus on five kingdoms: Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Protista, Fungi and Plantae.  Dr. Cindy Johnson-Groh will teach this portion of the class.  The second half of the semester will focus on the sixth kingdom, Animalia, and will be taught by Dr. Margaret Bloch Qazi.

Grading:                                                                                                                                                                                Your Scores:

Four lecture exams                                             60 points each               240                          _____, _____, _____, _____

Four lab exams                                                      40 points each           160                       _____, _____, _____, _____


Compost Column                                                                                     20                          _____

Termite Experiment                                                                                 20                          _____

Adopted Tree Phenology                                                                       50                          _____, _____, _____, _____

Lecture Points                                                                                           10                         

                                                                                                 Total       500



· Lecture exams are scheduled in the evening on scheduled test dates (see schedule for specific dates.)


· Lecture exams will include materials from the lectures, laboratories, and readings. Exams will be short answer, multiple choice and some short essay. 


· Students who miss a lab exam for an excused absence (travel, illness, sports) will not be able to make the exam up due to the difficulty of setting up lab exams.  Students who arrange in advance to miss a lab exam will receive a grade for the missed exam that is the average of the student’s three other lab exams less 15% (6 points).


·   Projects and exams submitted late will be worth 10% less each day delayed (including weekends.)   


·   Lab exams are short answer and will include identification of organisms, structures and demonstration of skills.


Grade Distribution:

93% of the total points                   A                                73%                                                           C

90%                                               A-                              70%                                                           C-

87%                                               B+                              67%                                                           D+

83%                                               B                                 60%                                                           D

80%                                               B-                               <59%                                                          F

77%                                               C+

                  If you have any questions regarding your scores, please see one of the instructors.





The laboratory portion of the course, coordinated by Joe Harsh, will correlate with the lectures, but will also contain new materials.  Full attendance to laboratories is essential for successful completion of this course.   If you are unable to attend your regular lab session, please contact your instructor immediately. Accommodating unexpected additional students who missed their regular lab session is problematic since the lab sections are full.  Students will not be admitted to another lab without instructor consent prior to the lab.


Lab Section                          Time                                           Instructor

4                                                   M 2:30-5:20                          Johnson-Groh /Bloch Qazi                           

5                                                   T 10:30-1:20                        Harsh   

6                                                   T 1:30-4:20                           Harsh   

7                                                   W 2:30-5:20                         Bloch Qazi

8                                                   R 10:30-1:20                        Bloch Qazi                                              

9                                                   R 2:30-5:20                           Harsh                     

           Fridays Open Lab            Schedule posted               Teaching Assistants


The laboratory exams are scheduled as noted in the scheduleEach student must schedule a forty-five minute time period on each of the exam days.  (Sign-up sheets will be available in the laboratory.) Students with valid schedule conflicts should see Joe Harsh (be prepared to document your conflict).  The available times for scheduling an exam are:

I                 8:00-8:45                              

II                9:00 -9:45                             

III               10:30-11:15                        

IV             11:30-12:15

V              12:30-1:15

VI             2:30-3:15


BIO 102 SCHEDULE – 2005


DATE               LECTURE / LAB  TOPICS                                                      READING (Campbell and Reece)

Feb      7          Introduction to Organismal Biology                               484-496, National Geographic (Vol 195: 2-133, Feb 1999)

            9          Description / Classification / Phylogeny                                  484-509, 522-523

            10        Video: “Branching Out”          

            11        Kingdoms Eubacteria and Archaebacteria                             510-516, 526-544

Lab      Prokaryotae, compost columns                                            



            14        Kingdom Fungi                                                             617-632

            16        Kingdom Protista                                                                     545-574          

            17        Video:  “Putting Down Roots”            

            18        Life on Land: Kingdom Plantae Overview                           575-584

LAB     Protista                                                                                   Fungi                                                                                      


21        Mosses                                                                                   585-589          

23        Ferns                                                                                       589-595

24        Video: ”The Birds and the Bees”

25        Gymnosperms                                                                         597-605

LAB      Ferns                                                                                     



           28        Review                        LECTURE EXAM 1, evening 7:00 pm (excluding Gymnosperms)

Mar      2          Anthophyta:  Plant Body, Primary Growth                              720-746

            3          Video: “Living Together”Roots:

            4          Support / Anchorage                                                              720-746                      

LAB     Gymnosperms                                                                       

4          LAB EXAM 1 (through Ferns / Mosses)


            7          Stems: Support                                                                       720-746                                              

9          Wood: Secondary Growth                                                      720-746

           10        Video:  “Plant Politics”

           11         Leaves: Diversity                                                                    720-746                                              

            LAB     Angiosperms: roots, stems, secondary growth, leaves        

                        Phenology project


            14        Reproduction: flowers                                                            606-615, 783-801

            16        Fruits / Seeds                                                                          536-539                                  

            17        Video:  “It’s a Jungle Out There”

18        Water Conduction                                                                   748-766                      

LAB     Angiosperms: flowers, fruits                                                                                                            

21        Environmental Responses / Tropism                                       767-782, 802-831

           21        LAB EXAM 2  (Gymnosperms / Angiosperms)                                                            

           23        Review                        LECTURE EXAM 2, evening 7:00 pm (Gymnosperms – Angiosperms)

24        Biodiversity                                                                

25        Spring Break                                      


April     4          Kingdom Animalia                                                                633-645

            6          Protozoa – the animal-like protists                                          555-559, 567-570

            7          Invertebrates: Parazoa & Radiata                                           646-650

            8          Invertebrates: Protostomia (Lophotrochozoa)                        651-661

LAB     Animal Phylogeny: Investigating Animal Body Plans


11        Invertebrates: Protostomia (Ecdysozoa) & Deuterostomia     661-677

            Phenology Introduction Due

            13        Video: Invertebrates

            14        Vertebrates: Fishes & Amphibians                                         678-692

15        Vertebrates (Amniotes): Reptiles, Birds & Mammals  693-706

LAB     Protostomes II: Ecdysozoa and Great Diversity


18        Introduction to animal form & function                          834 - 841

20        Animal Nutrition                                                                  850-866

21        Review                        LECTURE EXAM 3 evening 7:00 pm (4/4-4/18)

22        Circulatory Systems                                                             871-875, 877–884

LAB     Deuterostomes and the Origins of Vertebrates


25        Gas Exchange, Phenology Methods Due                          886-897

27        Homeostasis: Water Balance & Excretion                              936-944

28        Defense                                                                                  900-916

29        Video: The Universe Within

29        LAB EXAM 3 (Animal Phylogeny, Protostomes, Deuterostomes)

LAB     Investigating Digestive and Gas Exchange Systems


May     2          Chemical Signals & Endocrine Systems                                  955-963, 966-971

4          Create-a-critter                                                                       TBA

5          The Nature of Nerve Signals                                                   1022-1034, 1038-1039

6          Data Wrangling

LAB     Investigating Circulatory Systems


            9          Sensory Systems       Phenology Results Due                  1057-1065, 1069-1075

11        Support & Locomotion                                                 1075-1084                                          

            12        Video: TBA

            13        Animal Reproduction                                                               975-980

13        LAB EXAM 4 (Digestion, Gas Exchange, Circulation)

LAB     Arthropod senses: How do termites follow a trail?                TBA


16        Biodiversity     COMPLETE PHENOLOGY PAPER DUE

            18        Review


            FINAL LECTURE EXAM 4 (4/18-5/16):  Monday, May 23, 8:00-10:00 a.m., Nobel Aud + Nobel 201