Laser Safety

The pulsed Nd:YAG laser (1064nm, 532 nm, and 355 nm) and the dye laser (visible) emit radiation capable of severe damage to the eyes.A great deal of caution (not fear) is necessary.Take the following precautionary steps:


�� Always make yourself aware of the laser beams path.All beams will be kept on the plane of the table so when bending cover eyes even when wearing protective eyewear.

�� Wear laser safety glasses at all times.These protect your eyes from 532 nm, 1064 nm and 355 nm but not other visible wavelengths.These glasses will not protect from a direct laser pulse.

�� Laser glasses may make some beams invisible, be careful!

�� Plan your experiments carefully, making sure all laser beams are accounted for.

�� If you are unsure about a procedure, ask.

�� Do not place your hands in the beam, many of the beams we are working with can burn!