Gustavus Varian Gemini 2000

300 MHz NMR

Refer to complete instructions before operating instrument.

Varian Website: Varian


su sets up the experiment

ga begins the acquisition

wft monitors the incoming data

aph automatic phasing of spectrum

r1(x.xxp) sets the position of the reference peak which the cursor is on

axis='h' axis in Hz

axis='p' axis in ppm

pl ppf pscale page print a spectrum to the plotter with peaks labelled (ppf) and the scale (pscale)

aa abort acquisition

temp=xx.x Starts the variable temperature controller to heat to xx.x degrees C. (Do not exceed 100 C without changing to Nitrogen purge). Hit su after to initiate

temp='n' Turns the variable temperature controller off. (Turn VT off when investigation is complete)

tempcal('glycol') Place cursors on both ethylene glycol peaks and temperature calibration is given

dscale Display scale on screen

nl Puts cursor on nearest line

dres Indicates width of peak selected

svs('filename') Saves the shims in current directory

rts('filename') Loads the shims from file in current directory

svf('filename') Saves the FID in current directory for further manipulation later

pad = 0, time1, time2, ... Allows data collection at specified times in seconds (time1,...). Data can be displayed by typing ds(1), etc. Very useful for kinetics. Make sure all parameters are set prior to executing (su) this command. Use gain='y' to turn of autogain after it has been set for the first spectrum.

dssa Display all spectra recorded with pad

ds(1) Display first spectrum recorded with pad

gain='y' Turn off autogain.

gain='y' Turn on autogain.

gain? Query value of gain.

Gustavus Adolphus College

Department of Chemistry

Prepared by: Jonathan M. Smith

Updated: November 28, 2001