WILLA SIBERT CATHER was born December 7, 1873, near Winchester, Virginia. When she was nine years old, her family moved to the town of Red Cloud, Nebraska, later the setting for a number of her novels. She attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. After college she spent the next few years doing newspaper work and teaching high school in Pittsburgh. She moved to New York City and worked for six years on the editorial staff of McClure's Magazine. Cather won the Pulitzer Prize in 1923 for One of Ours. She died on April 24, 1947.


The Willa Cather Electronic Archive is a fantastic resource.

The Willa Cather Pioneer Memorial
has their own Cather page.

Anne Lindhard has developed a beautiful Cather site.

Information for students seeking help with researching and writing papers.

Comments and questions: cather @fas.harvard.edu(remove the space when writing)
Site created 6 January 1996 by Scott Newstrom
Last updated 5 March 2002
Hosted by Harvard University