A Spring Phenology
     by Jim Gilbert

May 1998

     Happenings in and around Linnaeus Arboretum

Listed below are a few observations from a year ago in the Linnaeus Arboretum area, and out of the area when indicated. These events can be used to anticipate upcoming spring happenings and will help to compare this year with last.

1 - Biggest dandelion bloom of the year. First Baltimore oriole returns. Also first green heron and greater yellowlegs. Gray tree frogs, American toads, and swamp cricket frogs call in Wabasha. First ruby-throated hummingbird arrived in Mora. Wild blueberry shrubs first blooming in Sturgeon Lake area. At Carlton, marsh marigold begins to flower and quaking aspens have tiny leaves.

2 - Many crabapple trees blooming. Tulips blooming nicely. Common purple lilac, near shore of Lake Waconia, begins to flower.

3 - House wrens back and singing. Barn swallow returns. Wild columbine in bloom. Kentucky coffee trees starting to leaf out. As of today, 81 percent of the state's field corn crop has been planted. This is the greatest percentage of field corn planted this early in the season of records dating from 1956.

4 - Crabapple blossoms very showy. Common milkweed up 6 inches. At the Laurentian Environmental Center near Britt, Minn., Juneberry trees bloom nicely, black flies are on the wing, and spring peeper frogs are very vocal in the evening.

6 - Wild geranium and choke cherry now blooming. Some field corn up about 2 inches. First palm warbler. Overall bloom peak for University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum crabapple tree collection. Large-flowered trillium flowers numerous in Deerwood area forests. First ruby-throated hummingbird returns to Siren, Wis.

7 - Many Baltimore orioles arrive. First mallard ducklings. Young gray squirrels out of nest. First red-headed woodpecker returns to Waseca area. Juneberries and pin cherries are in bloom, and largetooth aspen leaves are emerging in Park Rapids area.

8 - Chimney swifts first returned. Surface temperature of Lake Waconia is 60 degrees F. Common purple lilacs at bloom peak and very fragrant.

9 - First black tern, wood thrush, warbling vireo, yellow warbler, common yellowthroat, scarlet tanager, and gray catbird. Many rose-breasted grosbeaks singing. The large-flowered trillium is blooming nicely and in numbers in Elm Creek Park Reserve. First bobolinks and eastern kingbirds return to Mountain Lake area.

10 - Choke cherry shrubs at bloom peak. Chipping sparrows, mourning doves, yellow-headed blackbirds, and more very vocal. Flowering crabs in full bloom in Grygla area.

11 - American elm seeds tan-brown and falling in big numbers. First Tennessee warbler, blackpole warbler, and eastern kingbird. Nodding trillium, wild geranium, and large yellow lady slipper all blooming nicely in Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden in Minneapolis.

12 - Snowball shrub has greenish-white flowers in clusters. Tartarian honeysuckle at bloom peak and fragrant. First wood duck young jumped from nesting box. Full shade now in deciduous forest.

13 - Silver maple seeds falling in numbers. Catalpa trees have small leaves. Lily-of-the-valley blooming and very fragrant. Black field crickets first calling. First cliff swallows arrive in Grygla area.

14 - First goat's-beard in bloom. First spittlebug froth. New cattail leaves up 4 to 5 feet so marshes are looking quite green. European starling and common grackle young hatching. Red-eyed vireos and eastern wood pewees call over and over. At Itasca State Park, a female rose-breasted grosbeak is building a nest. Flowering crabs blooming in Duluth.

15 - Eastern bluebirds feeding young. White-tailed deer fawns being born. Daisy fleabane first blooming. Water surface temperature of Lake Minnetonka is 63 degrees F.

16 - Fernleaf peony at bloom peak. First common nighthawks. Bridal wreath spirea shrubs at bloom peak and look like white fountains. Female Baltimore oriole gathers nest material. During the second annual Birding Festival at Detroit Lakes, 142 species, including bald eagles and marsh wrens, seen in the area.

17 - Black locust trees first blooming (June 5, 1997). Lightningbugs seen tonight in Hastings. Baltimore orioles, house finches, red-bellied woodpeckers, and gray catbirds come to a grape jelly feeder in New Ulm. Luna moth on wing near Park Rapids. Statewide, 98 percent of field corn has been planted, potatoes at 83 percent and sweet corn at 58 percent.

18 - Alfalfa hay harvest has begun. Eastern cottonwood seeds and carriers blowing in the wind. Tiny killdeers out of nest. Highbush cranberry at bloom peak. Wild lupines blooming in Webster, Wis., area. First ruby-throated hummingbird returns to Grygla area (NW Minnesota).

19 - Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly drinking clubs observed in sandy spots along St. Croix River. Whip-poor-will very vocal at 4 a.m. in Riverside, Wis., area. Migratory monarch butterfly returns to Danbury, Wis., area.

20 - Common grackle young fledged from nest. Bird's-foot trefoil, yellow sweet clover, and red clover blooming along Twin Cities highways. Kentucky coffee tree blooming and very fragrant. Migrating monarch butterfly seen near Willmar.

21 - The surface temperature of Lake Waconia reached 70 degrees F, the cut-off for safe swimming. Wild grape well leafed out and in full bloom with fragrant clusters of small greenish flowers. Rose acacia blooming. In Plato area, first bobolinks return and wild roses are starting to bloom.

22 - Golden mockorange shrubs now in bloom. Ox-eye daisy at bloom peak. Kentucky bluegrass shedding pollen. Carver County farmers busy cutting, raking, and baling alfalfa.

23 - First ripe June-bearing strawberry. First alfalfa in bloom. Purple martins nest-building and egg-laying.

24 - Tall bearded irises at their best. Lawns nice and green. Indian paintbrushes now blooming in Grygla area. Statewide, soybeans are 61 percent emerged; in 1997 by this date only 7 percent had emerged.

25 - Snapping turtles laying eggs. House finch young hatched. Canada anemone at bloom peak.

26 - Russian olive trees in bloom; the small four-pointed, star-shaped yellow flowers have a spicy fragrance. Young moose calves are seen in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area.

27 - First banded purple butterfly on the wing. Cliff swallows nest building in Brooklyn Park. Young red squirrels out and about in Wayzata.

28 - Double garden peonies at overall bloom peak. Lawns drying. Tree swallow eggs hatching. Waconia area farmers are cultivating field corn. White water-lilies now blooming.

29 - Some field corn knee high. Both painted and snapping turtles continue coming up on land to lay eggs. Yarrow and reed canary grass begin blooming. Ruby-throated hummingbirds like blooming trumpet honeysuckle.

30 - Hooded mergansers have young. Juvenile eastern chipmunks out and about. Black-capped chickadee and house wren nests have eggs. First goat's-beard seedhead. Monarch butterfly seen in Red Wing. Catalpa trees begin blooming in Hastings.

31 - Gardeners are picking buckets of strawberries. At the Linnaeus Arboretum, in St. Peter, rugosa roses are blooming nicely, and chipping sparrows call over and over. Statewide, an estimated 55 percent of first crop of alfalfa has been cut; 4 percent is average for this date.