Jim Gilbert's Journal 
          Originally published in the Star Tribune on September 24, 1999

September 24, 1999

     Where Birds Go for the Winter

Observers report that of the 215 species of birds that nest in the state of Michigan, fewer than 20 are wholly non-migratory.  The numbers are about the same for Minnesota.  Some of the non-migrating birds include several species of grouse and owls, four species of woodpeckers (downy, hairy, red-bellied and pileated), the white-breasted nuthatch, the northern cardinal and the ring-necked pheasant.

Millions of American robins from Minnesota fly to Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi for the winter.  Bobolinks travel to southern Brazil and northern Argentina.  Listed below are just a few wintering locations for some of our fall migrating birds:

-House wren, eastern bluebird, yellow-rumped warbler, red-winged blackbird, wood duck -- southern states.

-Ruby-throated hummingbird -- south Texas to Costa Rica.

-Barn swallow -- Panama south to southern Argentina.

-Common nighthawk -- northern South America to central Argentina.