Jim Gilbert's Journal 

November 27, 1998

     Birds Like Water

Water is a basic need that is often overlooked when establishing a backyard habitat for birds and other wild animals.  Water for birds doesn't mean building an expensive pool or pond.  It can be offered in as simple a container as an upside-down garbage can cover.

In November, when ponds and lakes are freezing over, and during the winter, we notice that open water will attract nearly as many birds to our yards as food and cover.  At times, water seems to be more popular than food.  During freezing weather not many birds take baths, but they certainly like to drink.

Heating the water with a small heater, available at wild bird stores, is the only satisfactory way to keep water from freezing in small pools and birdbaths.  The heating element is placed in the bath and can be attached to an electrical outlet by an extension cord.

On especially cold days the water heater may not be enough and you may have to break the ice and pour in hot water.  Do not use chemicals such as antifreeze, as they will harm the birds' feathers and destroy their ability to keep warm--not to mention what the chemicals would do internally.