Jim Gilbert's Journal 

November 13, 1998

     Feed the birds

November is a great time to begin feeding wild birds; they can discover the new feeding opportunities before those early winter snowstorms hit and cover up much of their natural food.  A feeding station will help many individual birds survive a stormy period.

I have often told people that the first thing to keep in mind when feeding birds is that once you begin setting out food in the fall or winter, don't quit.  There is no single local natural source that is guaranteed to last them all winter, so they are constantly searching out new sources.  Notice how birds oftentimes abandon a feeder when a period of mild weather comes in the winter, making wild foods available again.

If you plan to be away from your home and can't find someone to help keep the feeders full, then ease off on the quantities you feed before you leave.  Unless a big snowstorm or extreme cold spell hits, "your" birds will find other sources and will locate the feeders in your yard once you return to fill them.